Friday, November 19, 2010


My husband has always said I was 'certifiable'--although he meant that I was a little bit nuts over my crafts and hobbies. And I have to admit it--I am. If I'm working on a project, the house could fall down around me, and I wouldn't notice--I'd just brush the dust off my markers and paper and keep going! LOL

But this week, I was able to meet one of the goals I had set for myself when I started working with the Copic markers--I completed their Certification Class! A long day of soaking in information on the markers themselves, and on coloring techniques, and I still have quite a bit more to study in the book. It was so worth it, though, because I learned so much that day!

I was absolutely thrilled to have Debbie Olson as a teacher! I've followed her blog for a long time, and learned quite a bit from it--but in class, she was an awesome instructor, and made sure we all had the basics of the technique down before we moved on. THANK YOU, DEBBIE!

There are still more goals ahead of me--start teaching, eventually take the intermediate course--but everything comes one step at a time!

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